Exercise, Yoga, Bridge, Pilates & Mahjong

Seniors' Exercise - Living Longer, Living Stronger
Developed by COTA (Council on the Ageing) this exciting and affordable exercise program, for people aged 50+, involves progressive resistance training to improve your strength, balance, and mobility, as well as having benefits for overall energy and vitality.
The program is delivered professionally by Mai Speirs every Wednesday at 9:30 am and runs for one hour. Participants start the class with some fun activities to warm up, before following individually designed programs based on their capabilities and needs all under Mai's watchful eye and guidance.
Living Longer Living Stronger is very reasonably priced. You undertake an initial assessment to develop your personal program, which costs $50 and, going forward, each class costs $12 per session.
Pauline, one happy participant said:
‘I thoroughly recommend the Living Longer Living Stronger Program as run by Mai Speirs on the Central Coast. They are fun, interactive classes with a caring professional who puts 100% effort into making everybody comfortable, whatever their fitness level.’
For more information visit Mai's website at https://urbanpersonaltraining.com.au, email: m@urban-pt.com.au, or phone 0411 039 643
Yoga classes are held every Monday and Friday morning between 9.30 and 11 am.
Monday, the instructor is Gai Davies. Ring Gai on 0432 119 940 for further information.
Friday, the instructor is Laurie Jones. Ring Laurie on 0423 589 877 for further information.
Every Friday afternoon, the wonderful card game Bridge is available at the Wagstaffe Hall starting at 1.30 pm. Members, mostly from the local community, have been playing for many years under the name of the Old Wags’ Bridge Group but are now known simply as Wagstaffe Bridge Club.
The game is a friendly one lasting a couple of hours. East-West players do not move around, but bid and score in duplicate and players can see how they have performed on each hand against others in the group.
Participants are not members of the Bridge Federation, and do not play for points of any kind.
The standard is 'intermediate' but beginners - who have completed basic lessons in the game of bridge - are most welcome to join this group, and have the opportunity to increase their experience and confidence in a friendly environment.
An experienced player is usually on-hand to advise anyone who may like assistance with their bidding and / or card play. Also, it is not necessary to come along with a partner.
For Sydney weekenders it is a pleasant chance to come up early on a Friday and join in.
Subscription cost is minimal - just $ 3.00 per week - with proceeds are returned to the Wagstaffe to Killcare Community Association.
Enquiries can be made by telephoning Graeme Anderson on 0414 689 922.
Clinical Pilates
This class is on Mondays from 6pm to 7pm. Details from Simon and Michelle Wannacott 0425 224 532.
The Mahjong group plays regularly each Thursday, 2pm to 5pm, with the exception of School holidays.
There is a charge of $3.00 each week of playing.......where else can you enjoy such a fun and friendly afternoon at that price ?
This group provides an opportunity for people to learn the game and enjoy the social contacts made. The game is suited to all ages of men and women. Over the years many people have been taught the game at Wagstaffe. For some it has meant rekindling fond memories of family holidays and a treasured set of tiles . For others this is a new skill and offers special opportunities to purchase a set of tiles and share the game with grandchildren ........a new generation of fond memories from Wagstaffe !
The game played at Wagstaffe Hall is the modern game which has evolved from the original Chinese form. While we all learn the basic game we can move on to more challenging games. The more you play the more proficient you become. There is a measure of luck as well as skill in the playing of MahJong. Here is an invitation to join in a stimulating and friendly afternoon of MahJong located in the Wagstaffe Hall amid the ambience of parkland, birds, ferries and the beautiful Brisbane Water.