
The Bushcare Groups in our Bouddi Peninsula area consist of concerned volunteers who work quietly with the aim of returning the surrounding remnant bushland to the natural state which existed before European disturbance.
This will allow us and future generations to enjoy fully the delightful aspects of our unique flora & fauna.
The groups meet at varying times, usually for a period of two hours, followed by a morning or afternoon tea and time for socializing.
All equipment and materials are provided. Experience is not necessary - people enjoy onsite training. There is no pressure on anyone nor any cost. Volunteers can attend for whatever period they are able to each session. It’s amazing how many weeds can be removed in just thirty minutes!
Volunteers must wear adequate clothing - long slacks or trousers are best together with a long sleeve top, a hat and adequate footwear.
The following BUSHCARE GROUPS within the Bouddi Peninsula meet regularly
Pretty Beach Bushcare work every MONDAY (except holiday weekends) - along the Araluen Drive (Dog) Track - from 2 to 4pm
Meet at the Pretty Beach end, just along from the boat ramp, OR find the group members along the track.
More info. from Bill Gregor (0415 341 797)
Tuesday Bushcare Group work every TUESDAY from 8 am onwards.
Meet at the Northern Car Park, Putty Beach Drive.
John Menton Reserve Group meet on the 1st SATURDAY of the month from 8.30 to 10.30am
More info. is available from Robyn Warburton (0416 069 311)
Bouddi Bushcare are active every WEDNESDAY from 8 to 10 am
They work in various parts through-out the Bouddi National Park. Please call Deb Holloman (0404 082 817) in order to know where to find them, if you are planing to join in.
Dave Legge's Bushcare Group meet every THURSDAY from 9 am onwards
Meet at the First Carpark on Beach Drive OR call David Legge 0402 425 879 for more info.
Please note that all Bushcare Volunteers are covered by insurance whilst on site, by either CCC or NPWS as applicable. Kindly sign-on each occasion you arrive on site.