The October Long Weekend saw another very successful Art Fair at Wagstaffe. “FRESH COLLECTIONS’ included many vibrant & colourful contemporary art pieces. Featured were paintings by multi award winning colourist Sheila White, landscapes on silk by Margaret Fortey, ‘Nuno Felted Wearable Art’ by Cherry Steele and many fine paintings by Denny Hoffman, Jean Sott, Barbara Aubrey & Felicity O’Connor.
Despite the inclement weather on the Sunday, over 750 people viewed the exhibition. And on the Sunday our local Garden Club & the Pretty Beach PreSchool were pleased to almost sell out of their cakes, jams & other goods.
On behalf of the organizing team, Jean Scott writes:
‘Thank you to everyone in the community and the visitors who came to support our art exhibition. The attendance exceeded all expectations even though the weather was so dreadful on Sunday.
We sold paintings worth more than $9000 and a percentage of sales will go to WTKCA. The entry donation raised over $1000 and the raffle raised $450. This money will go to the Half Tide Rocks Track project.
The lucky prize winner of a dinner for two at Bells was Angela Kennedy. Our thanks to Bells for their generous donation & support.
Thanks to the artists who certainly provided a Fresh Collection of art and a lively and relaxed atmosphere. Also, thanks to their husbands who worked hard too.
Special stars of the show were Margaret Fortey’s ‘TURKEYS’ – they broght a smile to everyone’s face and several threats of ‘going to get a shot gun’! Unfortunately due to the weather they could not be displayed on the Sunday.
Thanks to all who helped and to WTKCA for their support, but especially to Graeme Anderson who is now a fully licensed Eftpos operator and barman; he certainly got a lot of practice.
It was a fun weekend and all for a good cause. Thank you to all helpers & visitors. Any volunteers to organize the next one?’

Turkeys under the Peppercorn tree


Learning the techniques

Only part of the display

The ‘Special Stars’