Aims Objectives and Activities

Aims and Objectives
The Constitution of the Association describes our formal purpose and the way we administer our affairs.
Aims - The primary objects of the association are:
- To protect, preserve and enhance the sensitive natural environment of Bouddi including its bushland, beaches and waterways and to endeavour to maintain its scenic quality;
- To preserve the historic low-density residential nature of the area by opposing unsympathetic developments, and
- To build and strengthen community bonds.
Objectives - Further and specific objectives of the association are:
- To be non-party political and non-sectarian;
- To oppose all forms of environmental pollution; water, land, air, noise and visual;
- To work with Council to develop appropriate guidelines for the management of landscape character and heritage in Bouddi;
- To create awareness of local issues, in particular the protection of vegetated ridgelines and upper slopes in Bouddi;
- To protect the waterfront from overdevelopment, preserve its historic character, promote public foreshore access and maintain its scenic quality;
- To enhance community knowledge, understanding and skills in implementing Council’s Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan;
- To encourage ecologically sustainable development;
- To encourage responsible community behaviour with positive values and attitudes;
- To provide community leadership;
- To support existing community groups and help create new ones; and
- To improve and maintain community facilities and services.
Association Activities
We hold monthly meetings at Wagstaffe Hall, open to all, where we discuss issues and act according to the wishes of the members.
Together with other local Community Groups we monitor proposed development and where necessary lobby the Council & other bodies.
We sponsor both the Pretty Beach and John Menton Reserve Bushcare Groups, both of whom work on bush regeneration - almost every week - within CCC reserves, and the Bouddi National Park.
We manage and maintain the Wagstaffe Hall - under license from Central Coast Council - to a high standard for the benefit of the community. The Hall is used most weekdays for activities such as Yoga, Mahjong, Bridge, Exercise and Pilates classes.
The Bouddi Society, and Bouddi Foundation for the Arts run regular musical and artistic events supporting both local talent and high profile guest talent. It is also hired out at reasonable rates for weddings and parties etc. Funds raised from letting the Hall are used to maintain & make improvements to the Hall.
We manage and maintain the Turo Park Tennis Court & Cricket Wicket, as well as the electric barbeques in Turo Park, and behind the Community Hall. Funds raised from the court are used to maintain & improve the court and Turo Park in general.
We also raise funds in many other ways, for example through raffles and Trash & Treasure. These funds help us to run a variety of annual events and, from time-to-time, to co-fund various community projects in conjunction with Council.
We publish a monthly newsletter, Talking Turkey, which is hand delivered by volunteers to the over 1,200 homes in the community, as well as via email to members.
© 2025 Wagstaffe to Killcare Community Association Incorporated